What should I include in a Press Release?

Newspapers and other forms of printed news and magazines and their E publications are still one of the last forms of vetted news that exists today. Because they are vetted and include facts press releases may still be the most legitimate way to get your name out there.

Things that might be considered newsworthy are store openings, events, or a product or book releases. A press release is considered a primary source of information. They are intended to act as an official statement or announcement.

What Can press releases be written about ?

A press release can be written about anything that may be considered newsworthy. This makes Press Releases a great way to inform an audience.

What to include in a Press Release

The most important detail about writing a press release is what to include. When writing a press release it is important to include the who, what, when, why, information. This is crucial because a press release is an official statement or announcement of anything that might be considered newsworthy.

Parts of a Press release


Because your headline is the first thing they will see make sure it is something that will entice your audience to read the rest of the news release. It is important to make sure your headline is attention-grabbing. It is also important to make sure your headline gives the intention of the press release.


The introduction of a press release needs to include the who what, when where, and the why of the press release.


The body of the press release includes all of the relevant information which is given in more detail lower in the body of the release.

Where do press releases go ?

Press releases not only reach journalists, bloggers, and potential customers, in addition each release is optimized to help your news get the best organic visibility possible.

A press release is distributed to premium online outlets. The outlets send them directly to journalists and bloggers found all around the web. They are distributed to newspapers locally, regionally and nationally. This makes it possible for them to be picked up and published. This allows for your release to obtain even greater visibility, generate publicity, and drive potential buyers back to your business.

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