Popular Advertising Themes for April

As the weather continues to warm up and spring breaks have happened throughout most countries, travel advertising and outdoor activities continue to increase throughout the month of April and the additional upcoming months. Types of events that are popular advertising themes for the month of April include spring Holidays like Easter that traditionally occur in […]
What is a QR Code?

QR codes were first designed in 1994 in Japan by the automotive industry. They are a type of optical label. They are readable only by machines and use four standardized encoding modes. These modes are numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, or kanji. These modes then store the data that is interpreted by the QR code into a […]
Best Practices for how to advertise using QR codes

As QR Codes become increasingly more abundant. They are not only used in the advertising marketplace but many other places also. When used in advertising it is important to make sure to utilize best practices. Here are some best practices for how to advertise using QR codes. These tips will help you keep your ads […]
How to advertise using QR codes

As audiences become increasingly more fatigued on digital media businesses are looking for ways to prompt their audience to their website. They are looking for ways to create more digital interaction that reduces physical touchpoints. Because of this many businesses are progressively using QR codes in their ads or as a replacement for printed material. […]
How to effectively use QR codes for your business.

A successful marketing plan includes a combination of both online and offline media. One of the most useful aspects of QR codes is that QR codes integrate online and traditional print campaigns so that they can target market in a variety of forums and get a direct response from the viewer. Here is some information […]
Effectively Advertise your Health and Fitness Business

Local Marketing to reach health and fitness enthusiasts can be overwhelming and very competitive. It is important to establish yourself in your surrounding area with local advertising and online listings to create a recognizable brand identity so that you can most effectively advertise your health and fitness business. Cost Effective Advertising Ideas for Local Health […]
How to Advertise a Travel Business Regionally or Nationally

You can advertise a travel business locally, regionally, or nationally without overspending. While this feat can be a challenge no matter what industry you are in reaching the right audience can be a challenge. The build your business section in USA Today is a great way for businesses to offer Regionally or Nationally. Regional advertisers […]
How to reduce advertising spend on your Multi-Media Campaigns

The Recent Pandemic has lead business owners to re-evaluate everything. How they may have done things in the past may no longer work. Everything they thought they had figured out including how and when they advertise. Utilizing lower-cost forms of media like print can be a great way to advertise inexpensively during sales lulls. It […]
How Print advertising can help you Increase Sales and Reduce the cost of your campaign during the pandemic.

Print advertising can help you increase sales. It as also been shown to be effective at and reducing the cost of your campaign. This was true even during the recent pandemic. Because of this print has proved to have advantages over digital advertising and even radio and TV in some ways. Print advertising is the […]
How to Plan your advertising Campaign Calendar Throughout the year

Business owners have it tough. They have already been pulled in so many different directions, that getting new clients and planning to advertise is just another of the many things that fall into that bucket. Here is some simple information that business owners can keep in mind when trying to plan their advertising campaign each […]