Place a Request for Proposal of Advertising

A request for proposal (RFP) is commonly used to obtain the best price when businesses are looking at several different agencies to get the best price on their advertising. An RFP Is a business document that announces a project and describes the campaign’s needs, which includes regions to be covered, media they would like to use, and length of run time. Once they gather the necessary info, they can solicit bids from qualified contractors to complete it. Here is some info about how to place a request for proposal.

Businesses that want to place Request for Proposals (RFPs) in the United States sometimes find that their biggest challenge is contacting multiple publications or agencies that can give them the best rate for advertising. It might seem like there are no longer ANY low-cost options in advertising in this economy without incurring additional costs or covering areas outside of their market or region. This is not true.


man sitting next to a laptop computer he is placing a request for proposal for advertising

Agencies frequently use RFPs to collect information from prospective agencies when they are in the planning stage, outlining the scope of the campaign, price, potential publications etc, before creating partnerships with agencies to obtain the best rate. Since ,1968 we have been building our relationships and working directly with publishers all across the United States we can save you time and money when you place a request for proposal with us.

We are unbeatable in our ability to provide Nationwide exposure that includes online placement of your ads. We can also provide affidavits and any tear sheets that you need once your ads have run. 

Russell Johns is the official representative of USA Today. Since 1968 Russell Johns has been building exclusive relationships in advertising and marketing as well, and those benefits are meant to help you. We work directly with Gannet and Elsevier, which gives us access to the best rates available across the industry.  For more information about how to place a request for proposal please contact us.

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